為了健康選擇優質的好油, 成為目前最重要的事,
銷給全臺灣老百姓食用, 卻是用化學劑添加的冒充假油。
從google 上 隨意地取這兩張照片下來
看這廣告詞 ,說是世界銷售最廣的....
那全世界玄米油的總銷售量是多少量? 這家品牌銷售量有多大?
又全世界玄米油的銷售地區廣到什麼地區? 這家品牌銷售占地有多廣?
花時間在每一瓶食用油的標示上, 一看再看,
最後, 朋友選購一大罐的 玄米油,
聽她說,在網路上早已穫得非常多的資訊, 說明玄米油的優點,
當然稻米脫去稻殼後, 就是糙米,
糙米碾成白米的過程中 碾脫下來外皮粉屑正是米糠
我想起來了 : 我小時候, 在碾米廠裡, 大型碾米機下, 見到飄下來堆成堆的黃澄色米鏮,
我用手抓一把過來來, 用手一擠, 也可以擠出油來,
我是用來抹去油髒手, 它有很好的去油漬效果,
今天, 看好朋友很歡喜地購買玄米油,
不知價格上, 會不會大大降低許多?
1968年,日本北九州市小倉區的一家油庫,在製造米糠油的脫臭過程中使用 PCB
台灣 「多氯聯苯( PCB)中毒事件」發生在 1979 年。那年 4月初,臺中縣大雅鄉惠明盲校有多名師生出現皮膚變黑,長出像癩蛤蟆般的疙瘩,看起來像是長滿了青春痘的症狀。這些冒出的痘痘排出惡臭的油性分泌物,且又痛又癢。起初醫師認為師生的病症應該只是一般的皮膚病,後來證實是食用米糠油所引起的食物中毒,故稱「米糠油(污染或中毒)事件」。
每一種油的冒煙點(Smoke point, 介於熔點與沸點之間)都不盡相同,任何油類只要達到冒煙點以上,就會開始變質,甚至起火燃燒。所以我鼓勵大家不管炒什麼都加一點水來炒,因為水分會將溫度 拉低到一百度左右。我把這種加點水來炒的炒法稱之為「水炒」。大多數油類的冒煙點都在一百度以上,所以炒菜時只要能把溫度控制在一百度,油就不會變質,吃 了也不會有害。很多液態植物油,例如菜籽油和葵花油,冒煙點都在107度,通常大火一炒,一下子就會超過冒煙點,開始變質,吃下這種油,對身體反而有害,但若是拿來涼拌東西就很好。
油的商品名稱非常混淆,例如台灣與大陸很多食用油是菜籽油,或是菜籽、玉米與大豆的混合油,但廠商並不標示清楚,而常用「沙拉油」這個名稱代替。其實,沙拉油(Salad Oil)是一種通稱,凡是可以拿來涼拌沙拉的油就可叫做沙拉油。所以在還弄不清楚油種之前,最好先不要拿來炒菜。橄欖油、花生油、芝麻油的冒煙點約160度,可以炒菜,但還是加一點水比較好。椰子油的冒煙點更高,在232度,拿來炒菜最適合,但在台灣,我還沒有找到比較好的椰子油。
未精製的各種油脂 冒煙點 適合的烹飪法
葵花油Sunfloweroil 107℃(225℉) 涼拌、水炒
紅花油Saffloweroil 107℃(225℉) 涼拌、水炒
亞麻仁油Flaxseedoil 107℃(225℉) 涼拌、水炒
菜籽油Canolaoil 107℃(225℉) 涼拌、水炒
大豆油Soybeanoil 160℃(320℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
玉米油Cornoil 160℃(320℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
冷壓橄欖油Oliveoil 160℃(320℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
花生油Peanutoil 160℃(320℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
胡桃油Walnutoil 160℃(320℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
芝麻油Sesameoil 177℃(350℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
奶油Butter 177℃(350℉) 水炒、中火炒
酥油Vegetableshortening 182℃(360℉) 反式脂肪酸,不建議食用
豬油Lard 182℃(360℉) 水炒、中火炒
馬卡達姆油Macadamiaoil 199℃(390℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒
棉花籽油Cottonseedoil 216℃(420℉) 殺精蟲,不建議食用
葡萄籽油Grapeseedoil 216℃(420℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
杏仁油Almondoil 216℃(420℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
榛子油Hazelnutoil 221℃(430℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
椰子油Coconutoil 232℃(450℉) 水炒、中火炒、煎炸
橄欖粕油Pomace 238℃(460℉) 水炒、中火炒、煎炸
茶油Teaoil 252℃(485℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
玄米油Ricebranoil 254℃(490℉) 涼拌、水炒、中火炒、煎炸
酪梨油Avocadooil 271℃(520℉) 水炒、中火、炒煎炸
國外把油脂的烹飪方式分為︰Cold Preparation(Condiments & Salad Dressings)、Low Heat(Sauces & Baking)、Medium Heat(Sauteing)、High Heat(Browning & Frying),我們可以把它們對應在涼拌、水炒、中火炒與煎炸四種烹煮方式。
4.可以大火炒或煎炸(190℃/375℉)的油: 包括橄欖粕油、玄米油、杏仁油、榛子油、椰子油、茶油、酪梨油。椰子油和棕櫚油的耐熱點都在兩百多度以上,煎、炸都沒問題,但國內這兩種油都是用酸 價高的原油再精製而成,不符合「好油」標準。如果可以找到未精製而香味濃厚的椰子油,建議把它當作煎炸油的首選。
油的學問真的很大。除了選對油品之外,是否經過精製,也是決定好油與否的標準。台灣的油品有許多障眼法,例如只加了一點橄欖油,就號稱是橄欖X酚 油,其實是菜籽油。而大部分廠商為了迎合台灣人喜歡大火炒菜的習慣,都把優良的進口橄欖油或其他食用油在台精製。因此所謂的好油,就是當你買到也買對了的 時候,還要用對的方式去烹調,才能保持它原來好油的成分。所以用沙拉油炒菜實在很冒險,炒菜一定要清楚所用油的冒煙點在幾度,將炒菜時的溫度控制在冒煙點 以下,那就是安全的。現代人慢性病、發炎、過敏、婦科疾病……毛病一籮匡,一大半原因都是因為油引起的。
The pretreated oil is subjected to
alkali refining.
The caustic soda reacts with free fatty acids (FFA) present in the oil and forms soap stock.
The soap stock is then removed by a centrifugal separator
and oil is washed with water for the complete removal of soap stock.
The wash water is separated out by centrifugal separators.
The neutralized oil is treated with bleaching earth/activated carbon for the removal of colored pigments. The bleaching agent is filtered out in vertical pressure leaf filters. A multi-part design ensures uniform consistency in color with minimum bleaching agent requirements. The bleaching line is versatile and adaptable for all varieties of vegetable oil.
Edible/Vegetable Oil Refining
Edible/vegetable oil refining is a step by step process. Refining oil removes phospholipids, pigments, off-flavors, free fatty acids and other impurities. The entire oil refining plant process comprises degumming/neutralization, bleaching, deoderization, and winterization. Chemical refining is performed in order to remove the fatty acids from the crude oil that is extracted from the seeds. These are further neutralized with the use of caustic soda. This results in the removal of sodium soaps by batch settling or centrifugal separators. The neutral oils are then bleached and deodorized.
Apart from chemical refining, another method that is used for edible oil refining is physical refining. Through this method, the free fatty acids are removed through the process of distillation in one stage of deodorizing. In order to come up with effective results, the crude oil should be thoroughly degummed. This is not applicable with some oil like the oil extracted from cottonseeds. All kinds of refining methods are done with the help of various equipment and machinery, and are used to refine almost all kinds of oil extracted from oil seeds like sunflower seeds, linseeds, groundnuts, sesame seeds, and mustard seeds, etc.
Physical and chemical refining is defined according to the technology used. Physical refining means the removal of gum in oil via the process of degumming, a special method for removing FFA in the process of deodorization by steam. Chemical refining, however, means chemically removing FFA (acid-base neutralization). Gum and soap produced is then separated by centrifuges.
Features of Physical Refining
- High refinement rate; less oil loss
- No waste water discharged
- More FFA distilled
- Especially suited for highly acidic oils, and those of low gum content
Features of Chemical Refining
- Excellent adaptability and fewer requirements for high oil quality
- The finished oil is consistent and stable
- Less bleaching earth necessary compared with physical refining
Oil Refining Process
With 10 years' experience in manufacturing and exporting complete oil mills as well as a variety of oil mill machinery, KMEC is an expert in edible oil refining. In the oil refining plant, there are several steps to follow.
Oil Degumming Section of the Oil Refining Plant |
With 10 years' experience in manufacturing and exporting complete oil mills as well as various oil mill machinery, KMEC is an expert in edible oil refining. In the oil refining plant, there are several steps to follow. |
Oil Neutralization Section of the Oil Refining Plant |
The pretreated oil is subjected to alkali refining. The caustic soda reacts with free fatty acids (FFA) present in the oil and forms soap stock. The soap stock is then removed by a centrifugal separator and oil is washed with water for the complete removal of soap stock. The wash water is separated out by centrifugal separators. |
Oil Deodorization Section of the Oil Refining Plant |
As the name suggests this process is meant for the removal of odor. Every vegetable oil has its own distinct natural odor. During neutralization and bleaching, unpleasant odors are imparted in the oil, thereby making it essential to remove this odor. Deodorization is essentially a process to remove odiferous matter. The operation is carried out at a high temperature by injecting open steam and maintaining high pressure at which time all odoriferous matter is distilled and removed to barometric condensers through a vacuum system. The resultant oil is odorless – deodorized oil. |
Oil Bleaching Section of the Oil Refining Plant |
The neutralized oil is treated with bleaching earth/activated carbon for the removal of colored pigments. The bleaching agent is filtered out in vertical pressure leaf filters. A multi-part design ensures uniform consistency in color with minimum bleaching agent requirements. The bleaching line is versatile and adaptable for all varieties of vegetable oil. |
Oil Dewaxing Section of the Oil Refining Plant |
Oils like sunflower oil or maize germ oil (corn oil) have waxes present in them. At low temperatures these waxes give a hazy appearance to the oil. It is therefore essential to remove these waxes prior to bottling and marketing of the oil. |